God is deeply invested in you & your well-being. He cares. Heaven is close. The small & simple practices matter. Keep showing up. You are known, heard & LOVED!
What if the greatest gift yo could give the people you love is your highest & most in-tune, resilient, kind, compassionate, and trusting self? What would it take for you to learn and grow in ways that strengthen those capacities?
Do you beleive that you can live in trust and peace?

Protect Your Peace
Protecting your peace is sacred & important work. What in your life needs pivoted, strengthened or practiced? What boundaries need set into place? What new ways is God calling you to?
BE BRAVE! Trust that all that life brings you is for your highest good & eternal learning.
Wide Margins
Why Margins?!
7 years ago I was struggling to hold onto the faith of my childhood. God nudged me in the directions of creating something different to study The Book of Mormon with. The Wide Margin Book Of Mormon was born, and my faith was revived! The stories began to come to life & my heart was changed.
I spoke with the church headquarters begging them to take this idea and run with it, making this version accesible to all! I was told many times that wide margins were a "fad" and the chruch wasn't investing in "fad" scritpure layouts.
I knew this was something great, and God kept pushing me, so i kept going! Printing from a small printer, i filled my minivan over and over again with orders from others who were excited to study this inspired book with a fresh perspective.
Since then, I know there are many wide margin options, and I'm thankful it has picked up in popularity! Becasue it's the best!
Mine remains spiral bound with a 2" margin all the way around.
I've created many things since then, but this project remains one of my favoirte forever. Thank you for your excitement & support over the years!