October Dopamine Menu October 01, 2024Courtney Casper8 comments I've been learning about me that I (we all) need dopamine. It's the happy chemical that is released anytime we're engaged in something that brings us joy, fulfillment, purpose, laughter,...
Winter Rituals: Candle Making November 03, 2022Courtney Casper19 comments I love candles. I love light. During the darker winter months I crave light. Candles have become a way to bring that light into my days. These are the...
Protect Your Peace March 02, 2022Courtney Casper23 comments I’ll admit, it’s sometimes difficult for me to step into role as mentor, educator, teacher, person-writing-weekly-emails-to-thousands-of-women. Because just like with most things, there is nuance here. I hope you always...
Showing up. February 23, 2022Courtney Casper48 comments My daughter Callie last week was supposed to give the scripture in primary & I hadn’t given her much notice so she was quite distraught over this. She likes to...
Sustainable Spirituality February 21, 2022Courtney Casper177 comments I’ve had a sort of “flagged” ongoing collaboration with God lately. With the addition of becoming a Holistic Life Coach & LDS Spiritual mentor, I’ve had a desire to find...
Let's talk books. February 17, 2022Courtney Casper50 comments Full disclosure: I have both read some of these and listened to others. It really depends on the book what I prefer! I'm a big note-taker in books (like that's...
Curate. February 16, 2022Courtney Casper25 comments You know that time of night? 4pm, all the people are wondering what's for dinner & you feel that familiar irritation starting to crawl up your arms and settle into...
PEACE January 24, 2022Courtney Casper6 comments We often believe our circumstances need to change before we gain access to peace, joy, healing, calm, understanding. It’s entirely possible to create the life experience we want no matter...
More BEING. January 10, 2022Courtney Casper13 comments I don’t know about you but every first week of the new year seems like it’s 18 weeks long. There’s so much.. doing? Planning. preparing. It is a lot of...
oh hi there. August 04, 2021Courtney Casper190 comments I'll be totally honest, today hasn't been great. in fact, the last 2 weeks have been some of the hardest of my life. the days feel like they're 10 years...
Jacob Clark, my brother. June 05, 2021Courtney Casper154 comments One of the last things my little brother asked me to do for him with was to “tell all the people I love them”.. even insisting that I GO right...
Rebellion. February 24, 2021Courtney Casper13 comments NEW PODCAST EPISODE! Lately I've been compelled to look at my commitment to choosing yes to God. asking the tough questions. "Will I choose yes to Him here? am I...