on the best days of the week.

on the best days of the week.

friday friday fridaaaayyyyy. 

I reeeeeally like this day of the week. for some reason it always feels like an exciting day. I always cross my fingers that tyler will meander in the door a few minutes early and that we can shake up the week with something. anything. he jokes that I live for the fun. and it's true. I like the fun. I like to have something to look forward to. I'm not a homebody. I wanna go & do. 

LDS General Conference Weekend

friday. okay! lets get down to my favorites this week. 

first up is my new fav song this week. I've been doing a lot of "Jesus music" as my 4 year old calls it. ha ha it's just K-Love radio. but. I'm loving THIS song. I'm all about lyrics. and these one stopped me dead in my tracks.

"Truth is harder than a lie
The dark seems safer than the light
And everyone has a heart that loves to hide
I'm a mess and so are you
We've built walls nobody can get through
Yeah, it may be hard, but the best thing we could ever do, ever do
Bring your brokenness, and I'll bring mine
'Cause love can heal what hurt divides"

it's been on repeat, because it feels like an offering of art from her to me. 

next is kind of random but it served as my own art therapy this week. an adult coloring book but I used watercolor instead of colored pencils. the paper was just thick enough to hold the water decent enough. I wasn't feeling creative, but could sense my need to sit and create. so I called a friend to come over and we sat and mindlessly painted and talked and connected. :) it was just what I needed. 


okay. TOMORROW is one of my all time FAVORITE WEEKENDS of the whole year. 

I don't care what you're religion is, here's the deal, if you're human, the Latter Day Saint General Conference that is going to take place THIS WEEKEND is worth a few minutes of your life. If you love god, if you have sought answers to a prayer(s), if you need and want light in your life, if you are struggling, lonely, or feel twisted up, I promise you. promise you, catching a few minutes of this conference will change your life. maybe just the next moment, maybe the next year (maybe forever) god works that way. he wants to give us the answers, he wants to bring us light. he wants us. but we have to take a step in his direction. we have to open the door to inspiration. we have to come unto him. 

I'm not the kind of person who is close minded about Christianity. I read many christian books that maybe don't match up exactly to every detail of my religion, but religion isn't everything. and I believe that we can find god in many different places, and if you're feeling his spirit and finding truth and light in that place, it's good. and worth our efforts. 

will you try it out? give it a few minutes of your weekend? I am going to be. and I'm going to try to tune my heart to get answers to my quiet prayers, pleadings, and questions. because god is the almighty. and I believe that he'll use our steps of faith to come unto him, whatever that may look like. :) (including turning on, listening to, streaming, or reading this amazing conference. the music is enough reason alone to watch!!)

Here are the details: 
you can view online HERE or on youtube HERE  or you can watch on BYU-TV. (you could also walk into any Latter Day Saint church during these times and watch too!)

Saturday and Sunday, April 1–2
   Saturday Morning Session: 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
   Saturday Afternoon Session: 2:00–4:00 p.m.
   General Priesthood Session: 6:00–8:00 p.m.
   Sunday Morning Session: 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
   Sunday Afternoon Session: 2:00–4:00 p.m.

"simply come unto christ"
-Dieter F. Uchtdort

from my family to you.. 

Courtney casper letters

you are loved & a child of god. 


love, court

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