October Dopamine Menu

I've been learning about me that I (we all) need dopamine. It's the happy chemical that is released anytime we're engaged in something that brings us joy, fulfillment, purpose, laughter, peace, calm, or anywhere in the vicinity of those warm fuzzies feel good feels. 

I used to think that I was just an ansty person. Someone who didn't struggle with seasonal depression so much as seasonal discontent antsy-ness. 

Every fall & winter I'd find myself feeling stuck in my life, bored with the day to day, discontent in my life in lots of big and small ways. 

Before some little life shifts I would unconsciously seek out dopamine in ways that never really filled me up or left me feeling worse on the other side. You know what I mean. The numbing out type of scrolling, eating, shopping. 

But that antsy-ness discontent never really went away, it was only temporarily satiated. 

After therapy and lots of self reflection i've come to see that antsy-ness as my body's cry for real, lasting DOPAMINE! Something to pour some LIFE into life. ya know? Not just to numb out for a minute, but to really give meaning and purpose and fun and relaxation and laughter to my day. 

Creating a "dopamine menu" is a way to add some real intention to that happy seeking need when that discontent pops up. 

I started by asking myself questions like.. 

  • When do I feel really alive?
  • When do I feel carefree?
  • When do I feel at peace?
  • When do I feel happy?
  • When do I laugh the most?
  • What am I engaged in when I feel really fulfilled? 

And with those honest answers, I've been creating monthly dopamine menus to grap & Go with anytime I need something. 

That need for dopamine almost feels like a hunger pain, but in the past I had no idea how to feed it because I really didn't even know what it was asking for! 

Why monthly? Because every month it seems like there are new ways to add to or take away from the menu. For instance, boating with the family is a big happy chemical trigger for me but not feasible in December. Some things can stay on the list and work all year though, like organizing a drawer. (i love that lol) or moving around some furniture or read a book. 

Some other things that often show up on this list are: 

  • Baking something
  • Doing my nails
  • Marco-poloing a friend
  • Painting for fun
  • writing in a journal
  • laughing at funny videos
  • sauna
  • lift weights!!!! (Big dopamine!)
  • Clean something (that I WANT to clean)
  • Lay in the sunshine


Whats on YOUR October Dopamine menu?? Cheers to chasing the happy moments in life, engaging in things that add more LIFE into our lives, on purpose. You deserve to feel good. You are loved! 





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