Friday Favorites.

Friday Favorites.

okay! my favorite things today. ready?!

Fav song:
Easy. Rise Up- Andra Day whenever I'm feeling like I need a pick me up, this song gets blasted. like today. it's definitely happening today!

Fav book:
I have started like 4 books, I need to slow down and sit and actually finish them. but. a book that I'm loving right now is Simply Tuesday by Emily Freeman it's like the universe is trying really hard to tell me something that I keep missing...................

(slow down. savor the moment. be in the moment. yeah, I know.)

Fav Random:
my black nails again. GEL POLISH. you guys. if you're not on the gel nail train yet... don't do it. or do. but you'll be addicted. I used to be a "paint my nails every other day" kinda girl because chipped nails make me crazy, but gel nails have been a game changer. I bought my own light and use Aimeli because it's in the middle price wise, and I think it's as good the salon stuff. :)

Fav quote:
I opened 1 Peter this morning, and read a few scriptures... chapter 5 verse 7--

"Casting all your care upon him; for he cares for you"

was like a punch to the gut while still managing to be a giant hug. I tend to hide all my cares. bury them deep down, and hope that maybe they'll just go away.

news flash.

they don't.

they just get bigger. and they make me build walls.
verse 10:

"The God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, establish, strengthen, settle you."

me. and you.


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