Make A Wish. April 26, 2017Courtney Casper3 comments The tee that I designed for the awesome small shop Becoming threads, "Live Inspired" is NOW AVAILABLE! When you purchase a tee, you are not only supporting a small business,...
live inspired. April 24, 2017Courtney Casper Over the past 12 days I have been turning my life upside down. literally and figuratively. I have emptied boxes and cupboards and drawers. I have emptied my heart and...
on quiet. April 13, 2017Courtney Casper you can listen to this blog post read by me, here. i am really good at loud. ask my kids, I feel alive with all our windows down, music blasting,...
on taking the time. March 27, 2017Courtney Casper4 comments inspiration. It’s a word, that as you know, has become a living, breathing thing that I cling to on a regular basis. A year ago, that word was not in...
on being creatively stuck. March 24, 2017Courtney Casper3 comments question. what gets you "in the mood" to create?! we've all been there. we've set aside some time to sit and create. if you're me, I've got the dishes done...
on lettering good vibes. March 21, 2017Courtney Casper3 comments EXCERPT FROM ECOURSE INSPIRED LETTERING: A few weeks ago, I was having a hard morning. I woke up with a bad dream still lingering around me, and I just couldn’t...
the art of the mess. March 13, 2017Courtney Casper3 comments I had something really good written. It was all things heartfelt and encouraging and pinterest worthy. (If ya know what I mean)Only… I promised to keep it real here in...
the art of the mess. March 13, 2017Courtney Casper10 comments I had something really good written. It was all things heartfelt and encouraging and pinterest worthy. (If ya know what I mean)Only… I promised to keep it real here in...
the middle. March 08, 2017Courtney Casper22 comments I am reading a book "rising strong" by brene brown.and some words jumped off the page for me.the middle.we have all found ourselves (or probably are currently) in the middle...
more than air. March 08, 2017Courtney Casper5 comments I've been sitting here for awhile now. my kids are playing together peacefully (miracle) and i feel like there's something in me that wants, needs, to come out. i'm sitting...
Friday Favorites. March 04, 2017Courtney Casper "Casting all your care upon him; for he cares for you."
thoughts on taking a minute. February 27, 2017Courtney Casper I don't know about you, but I get caught up in the dream. in the rush. the now. the hustle. the "I can chase my dreams down one by one"...