the middle. March 08, 2017Courtney Casper22 comments I am reading a book "rising strong" by brene brown.and some words jumped off the page for me.the middle.we have all found ourselves (or probably are currently) in the middle...
"finding" your own style. March 08, 2017Courtney Casper I've heard it hundreds of times. (and been there myself) "I'm still trying to find my own style..." it's a frustrating place to be. it's a messy place to be....
more than air. March 08, 2017Courtney Casper5 comments I've been sitting here for awhile now. my kids are playing together peacefully (miracle) and i feel like there's something in me that wants, needs, to come out. i'm sitting...
Friday Favorites. March 04, 2017Courtney Casper "Casting all your care upon him; for he cares for you."
thoughts on taking a minute. February 27, 2017Courtney Casper I don't know about you, but I get caught up in the dream. in the rush. the now. the hustle. the "I can chase my dreams down one by one"...